Published: November 12, 2024 @ 8:15 p.m.
At a Special Council Meeting on November 12, 2024 – Town Administration presented the proposed Grand Bay-Westfield 2025 Budget to Town Council.
The Town of Grand Bay-Westfield is currently collecting feedback from residents regarding the proposed 2025 Budget – see “How to Submit Feedback” details below.
The Town of Grand Bay-Westfield remains committed on our path towards building financial resiliency. This proposed 2025 Budget process, which began at the end of June, has included: meeting with Department heads, reviewing Council’s Strategic Plan, Administration deliberations, and presentations from community groups requesting funding. Next steps include Council’s approval of the 2025 Budget on November 25, followed by the Town submitting the Budget to the Province no later than November 29.
The Town of Grand Bay-Westfield continues to be fiscally responsible, however, we continue to experience external and internal financial pressures including inflation, cuts to grant funding, as well as moving snow and ice control operations to an in-house model. While snow and ice control costs are seeing a significant increase, that increase is much lower than remaining with a contracted service.
As a result of fiscally responsible choices, based on Council’s Strategic Plan, Administration was able to present a proposed 2025 Budget with a tax rate of $1.25 for Ward 1. For Ward 2, a tax rate of $0.7432 was developed as a result of provincial regulations.
The 2025 Sewerage Utility Budget was also presented with a recommended annual user rate of $380. As a self-funded utility (by legislation), Administration highlighted the importance of ensuring the utility has operating and capital reserves for future operations and maintenance.
Town Administration presented the following recommendations:
That the Council of the Town of Grand Bay-Westfield accept the proposed Operational Budget for 2025 as presented, pending confirmation of the cost of the RCMP and cost of assessment – for a tax rate of $1.25 for Ward 1, and $0.7432 for Ward 2; and
That the Council of the Town of Grand Bay-Westfield accept the proposed Capital Budget of $3,914,000 for 2025; and
That the Council of the Town of Grand Bay-Westfield accept the proposed Sewerage Budget for 2025 as presented, with a unit rate of $380.
Town Council approved the following motion:
That the Council of the Town of Grand Bay-Westfield refer the presentation to the Council Meeting of November 25, 2024 for decision.
The Special Council Meeting of November 12 can be viewed on the Town’s YouTube channel HERE.
To view the proposed 2025 Budget presentation in PDF format, visit HERE.
By email, to the attention of:
John Enns-Wind
Chief Administrative Officer
Town of Grand Bay-Westfield
In writing (delivered to the Town Office), to the attention of:
John Enns-Wind
Chief Administrative Officer
609 River Valley Drive
Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. (excluding holidays)
Monday, November 18, 2024 at 12:00 Noon.
Phone: (506) 738-6400
In-person: 609 River Valley Drive, Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. (excluding holidays)
Register for Grand Bay-Westfield Emergency Alerts
The Town of Grand Bay-Westfield encourages residents to register for the emergency alert system (CodeRED by OnSolve). This is to ensure that the Town can notify residents in the event of emergency situations or critical community alerts. To register, visit HERE.
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