Snow and Ice Control

The Town of Grand Bay-Westfield remains committed to providing safe and efficient snow and ice control operations throughout the winter season.

Beginning in the 2023-2024 winter season, staff within the Town’s Public Works Department will conduct snow and ice control operations in-house (previously conducted by a contractor).

Select here for information on contacting the Town regarding snow and ice control operations

For any questions, comments, or concerns regarding the Town of Grand Bay-Westfield snow and ice control operations, please contact: (506) 738-2230 (phone line activated during winter season only).

Ward 2 roads (portion of the former Local Service District  of Westfield West focused on areas along and off Brittain and Campbell Road) continue to be maintained by the Department of Transportation and Infrastructure.

For emergencies, including downed power lines, call 911.

To report a power outage, please contact NB Power at 1-800-663-6272 or by visiting HERE.

To report fallen trees on Town roadways, please contact the Town of Grand Bay-Westfield via:

Phone: (506) 738-6400 (Option 3 for after-hours urgent matters)
609 River Valley Drive, Monday to Friday (excluding holidays), 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Stay Informed

Follow the Town of Grand Bay-Westfield on Facebook and X (formerly Twitter) or visit

Register for Grand Bay-Westfield Emergency Alerts

The Town of Grand Bay-Westfield encourages residents to register for the emergency alert system (CodeRED by OnSolve). This is to ensure that the Town can notify residents in the event of emergency situations or critical community alerts. To register, visit HERE.


Select HERE to view the Town of Grand Bay-Westfield Snow and Ice Control Plan (Revised: November 2023)

Select HERE to view the Town of Grand Bay-Westfield By-law Respecting Snow and Ice Control

Select here for snow and ice control tips

The following are helpful hints to assist residents in coping with, and assisting with Snow and Ice Control Measures:

1. Shovel snow from your driveway and place it “downstream” from your driveway entrance. This will mean less snow pushed into your driveway when the street is
plowed. Our operators cannot “lift the wing” at each driveway. To do so would add significantly to the time required to plow the route.
2. If placing snowplow markers/reflectors in front of your property to mark your driveway or lawn, please place them 2.5 meters back from the edge of the travelled
roadway. This space is needed to hold the snowbank.
3. When plowing your driveway, please don’t put snow on the street or sidewalk. This is contrary to Town By-laws, and can create a hazard for motorists and pedestrians.
(Note: it is an offense to remove snow from your driveway and push or blow it across a roadway.)
4. Please don’t place garbage or garbage containers where they can be buried, damaged or interfere with snow removal.
5. Park your vehicle in your driveway, well off the road, until street and sidewalk operations are complete. This allows our crews to do their job and make the streets
and sidewalks safe for everybody.
6. Do not leave vehicles overnight on Town streets and roads during the winter season.
7. Avoid unnecessary spinning of tires at intersections. This practice is dangerous and hazardous for other motorists. It also tends to “ice up” the intersection.
8. Avoid installing mailboxes within 2.5 metres of the travelled roadway where they can be damaged by plowing operations.
9. Ensure your mailboxes are secure before the winter plowing operations begin.
10. Use coloured ribbon to mark hedges and fences, especially on sidewalk areas. This lets our operators know where they are.
11. Please do not distract snow removal equipment operators while they are in the process of hazardous work that requires their full attention. . All concerns or
requests relative to snow removal should be directed to the Town, not to individual vehicle or equipment operators.
12. All concerns or requests relative to snow removal should be directed to the Snow and Ice Control line, (506)738-2230, or the Municipal Office at (506) 738-6400 during normal business hours.
13. The public should be aware that there are many factors which affect the snow and ice control service the Town is able to provide, including:
• snowfall accumulations;
• type of precipitation (i.e. freezing rain or “just plain” snow);
• the time of day the precipitation occurs;
clean-up times will vary depending upon these factors.
14. Salting and plowing operations will be carried out on Saturdays, Sundays, as well as statutory holidays. However, snow removal operations are not typically done on
weekends or statutory holidays.
15. To help prevent local flooding, try to keep the catch basin(s) adjacent to your property free from ice and snow.
16. If a homeowner engages a private plow truck to plow his/her driveway, please ask the driver not to plow snow across roadways or sidewalks so as to interfere with
traffic flow or pedestrian usage.
17. When plowing or shoveling your driveway, please try and avoid creating large banks at the entrance to your driveway. These banks will hinder your visibility when
exiting, possibly causing an accident.
18. If your home is susceptible to flooding during winter rain, you may wish to maintain drainage pathways along or across your property all winter to ensure they are open whenever it rains, which also allows easier monitoring to ensure the pathway is clear.
19. Objects within the right-of-way, such as newspaper boxes, basketball nets, snow plow marker, etc. need to removed from the right of way. When benching and
widening with the snowplow wing, snow may damage items within this space when plowing.

Residents are encouraged to avoid non-essential travel until after any storms;
Residents can assist snow and ice control efforts by parking in driveways and keeping roadways clear;
Please do not distract snow and ice control equipment operators while they are in the process of work that requires their full attention; and
Children should be reminded not to play on snowbanks or near the roadways, where snow and ice control equipment is operating.