The Town of Grand Bay-Westfield Works Department would like to make some suggestions as to how you can take a proactive approach to help prevent water problems during the winter months when the ground is frozen.
Please note, the steps listed below may or may not apply in each case.
- Prior to winter, locate the foundation drain from your home and mark it with a long stick, metal rod, or pipe so it will be visible above the snow for ease of locating, if required. Please ensure the end of the drain is free and clear of grass, leaves, sticks, etc. Periodically inspect the drain to ensure it is free and clear, especially when the weather forecast is calling for a heavy rain. Foundation drains are the responsibility of the homeowner.
- Homeowners with ditches and culverts should inspect the ditches to ensure nothing will block the flow of water such as crazy carpets, basketballs, soccer balls, sleds, toy trucks, etc.
- Homeowners with a driveway culvert should, if at all possible when shoveling, try to avoid placing wet snow and slush over the ends of the culvert as the wet snow turns to ice when temperatures drop causing the culvert to become blocked.
- In areas with catch basins, if possible, try to keep catch basins clear to allow surface water to enter.
- If you suspect a problem with a culvert, catch basin, or ditch being frozen, please contact the Town at (506) 738-6422 as soon as possible to allow time for corrective measures to be taken.
- If your home is in an area known for underground springs, try and control the sheeting of ice in the winter by directing it away from your home. If at all possible, locate the underground spring and pipe it away to the ditch or the storm sewer.
- Do not bank snow up around your basement as it prevents water from draining away from your home.
- Keep all snowbanks away from basement windows and basement entrances.
- If your home has had water problems in the past, pay special attention to the weather forecast so you can be prepared for the heavy rains in the winter.
Any assistance residents can provide to control and/or prevent surface water or ground water from running down their driveways would be greatly appreciated. Depending on weather conditions, this water often freezes on the road causing a safety hazard to motorists and pedestrians. At such times additional workers and contractors need to be brought in to remove the ice buildup resulting in the Town incurring additional winter maintenance costs. Again, any assistance from residents in controlling this surface water would be greatly appreciated by the Works Department and the Town of Grand Bay-Westfield.