Colonel Nase Boulevard History

Colonel Nase Boulevard is a major opportunity for development in the local economy as well as the entire southern New Brunswick region. A service corridor servicing approximately 440 acres of previously undeveloped land, Colonel Nase Boulevard is located in the heart of our commercial core. The area is located between the Provincial Route 7 Highway and River Valley Drive (Route 177) and just north of the municipal boundary with the City of Saint John.

Colonel Nase Boulevard integrates the Municipal Heritage Trail into an active transportation corridor with dedicated bike lanes, sidewalk, activity areas, envisioning a network of nodes and pathways to connect with developing neighbourhoods. Design elements such as flowing rock walls, decorative lights, and themed banners along the route set the stage for high standard new services and residential development.

Who Is Colonel Henry Nase?

The name Colonel Nase Boulevard was chosen after Henry Nase, a United Empire Loyalist settler who settled land grants along the St. John River following the American Revolutionary War. Ensign Henry Nase led the initial settlement of land upriver from the Loyalist landing site of Parrtown, later to be named Saint John. Henry Nase kept a chronicle of the war in his personal diary. Beginning in 1776, he recorded military actions throughout the Revolution, and then daily life events that describe a transplanted community resettled along the shores of the St. John River.

Colonel Henry Nase’s diary represents the enduring efforts of those pioneering families that brought hope and promise. The diary is a testament to the United Empire Loyalist families and all immigrant families through succeeding generations to call the St. John River Valley and particularly Grand Bay-Westfield, “our home”.

Join us in creating new opportunities, writing new business development opportunities along Colonel Nase Boulevard, and writing new stories in Grand Bay-Westfield – “Neighbours by Nature”.

“We started our business to show our kids what it means to be part of, and to contribute to, a community. From the very beginning the Town, the business community, and the people of Grand Bay-Westfield have been very supportive. We have made the right choice in planting our roots and our business here.”
– Dr. Jennifer Ryan, Pharmacist/Owner, The Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy