Climate Change and Energy Initiative List of Accomplishments

Town of Grand Bay-Westfield Climate Change and Energy Initiative List of Accomplishments

– Energy saving technology incorporate into municipal building renovations

– Adoption of machinery and vehicle idling policy

– Second Efficiency New Brunswick energy program audits for multiple municipal buildings and performed energy retrofits including removal of fuel oil heating, with a reduction of 300 eCO2(t)
– River Valley Community Center completed an independent energy audit and upgrades
– Partnered with NB Power pilot projects for LED street light testing

– Reference Provincial Climate Change Action Plan 2007-2012

– SMART CITY planning adopted in Municipal Plan By-law

– Partner in Atlantic Canada Regional Adaptation Collaboration (RAC)

– LED street lighting on Colonel Nase Boulevard. pilot street conversion NB Power test site
– Regional LIDAR Mapping Project – predictive flood modelling program
– Water conservation public awareness project
– LED Christmas Lights Awareness project
– Wetland rehabilitation funding for Blueberry Hill Nature Preserve

– Pilot community for creation of a New Brunswick climate change community vulnerability assessment tool 

– Smart growth sustainable subdivision community design
– Universal LED streetlight conversion partnership with NB Power
– Partner in Powershift Atlantic – NB Power electric thermal storage unit test site

– Reference Provincial Climate Change Action Plan 2014-2020

– Participant QUEST community energy planning, getting to implementation

– Electric Vehicle charging station (level 2) at the Brundage Point River Centre
– Partnership with UMNB Climate Change and Energy Initiative Project (CCEI)
– Federation of Canadian Municipalities partner in climate protection (Milestone 4 ongoing)

– Adoption of 2010 National Building Code of Canada – including new energy efficiency requirements

– Replacing park lighting with LEDs and watering system, reduction 0.9 CO2e(t)

– Accepted by Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) as a municipal Partner for Climate Protection (PCP), with adoption of Climate Change Action Plan (2015 baseline energy use) with Greenhouse Gas emission targets to be reduced by:
– 9% for the Corporation by 2025 equal to 38.7eCO2(t)
– 7% for the Community by 2025 equal to 2,550 eCO2(t), with further reductions by 14% by 2035 or 5100 eCO2(t)

– 5.28 kW Pilot Solar Array for Sewerage lagoon reduction 2.0 CO2e (t)
– Adoption of 2015 Canadian National Building Code
– Adopted Community Climate Change Adaptation Plan

– Commercial Building Retrofit Program completion of 70kW Solar Array at sewerage lagoon with NB Power Net program, reducing corporate greenhouse gases by 26.88 eCO2(t)
– Zoning By-law 122B – Amendment adopting a Flood Overlay Zone with minimum floor elevation of 7.4m for new construction
– Provincial Climate Change Action Plan 2022-2027

– Successfully met milestone 4 corporate goals as of November 2023
– Reduction of Peak Power use by 50kW during designated NB Power Peak Power events. Town received $1,500 incentive.

– Addition of Town’s very first Electric Vehicle (EV) to its fleet (Public Works Department)
– Town awarded “Charged for Change” funding through Earth Day Canada in partnership with Aviva Canada, to have five (5) new Electric Vehicle (EV) charging stations installed in the community.
– Net Zero Communities Accelerator Program updates for Climate Change Action Plan.
– Environmental Trust Fund Community GHG & Energy Action Plan Project update for Climate Adaptation Plan.