Town of Grand Bay-Westfield Bursaries Application

The extended application deadline was Monday, July 8, 2024 at 12:00 Noon.

The winners (by random draw) will be announced at upcoming Town Council meetings.


Select here to view the Grand Bay-Westfield Post-Secondary Education Bursary Policy (including eligibility and recipient selection details)


The Town of Grand Bay-Westfield is committed to the principle of supporting local residents in their pursuit of post-secondary education, through a transparent application and selection process for bursaries.


This Policy sets out the criteria Town Council and Administration must follow when allocating resources, determining eligibility and selecting recipients of bursaries.


In this Policy:
a. Bursary
i. A one-time cash payment to a recipient with no repayment terms.
b. Local Resident
i. Is a resident within the Town of Grand Bay–Westfield Town limits.
i. New Brunswick Community College – Saint John Campus
d. Post-Secondary Education
i. Is the education level that follows the successful completion of secondary education, often referred to as high school. Post-secondary education includes universities and colleges, as well as trade and vocational schools.
i. University of New Brunswick – Saint John Campus


The Town of Grand Bay–Westfield will provide two (2) bursaries annually in accordance with the allocated budget.
a. The minimum allocated budget to bursaries will be $2,000.00
b. Each individual bursary will have a value of no less than $1,000.00


The eligible candidates must meet all of the following criteria:
a. The complete application must be submitted by 4:30 p.m. on the final work day of the month of May.
b. Be entering their first year of post-secondary education prior to the year in which they turn 21.
c. Provide a complete application form, as provided by Town Administration annually, including at minimum the following elements:

i. Statement of interest (or cover letter)
ii. Résumé
iii. Provided current proof of residency.
1. Including full mailing address within the Town limits
iv. Provided proof of acceptance to one (1) of the following post-secondary institutions
1. UNB-SJ or;
2. NBCC-SJ or;
3. An accredited post-secondary institution offering a degree program that is not available at either UNB-SJ or NBCC-SJ


The two (2) recipients will be selected by random draw during a public Council meeting during the month of June.
The two (2) recipients will be presented the bursaries, in person, during a public Council meeting during the month of June or July.

Post-Secondary Education Bursary Application Form