Burning Information

Residents are responsible to ensure all open air burning on their properties complies with the By-laws of the Town, particularly By-law PS-002.
A copy of By-law PS-002 is available by calling the Town Office at (506) 738-6400 or online HERE.


Always call 1-866-458-8080 or visit HERE to determine if it is permissible to burn. While the information on this site and at this phone number applies to areas outside of municipalities, Grand Bay-Westfield follows the same burning conditions status as the Department of Natural Resources (DNR). If DNR reports burning in Kings County as open, it is safe to have a campfire. If it is restricted, campfires are only permitted after 8:00 p.m. and until 8:00 a.m. the next morning. All other information on this site and at the provided phone number are not applicable. For permitting and additional burning information please see below.

If burning for Kings County is closed, no open air fires are permitted.

Conditions are updated daily at 2:00 p.m.


Recreational campfires for the purpose of obtaining warmth or cooking food are permitted when conditions of this information page are met.
Larger fires for the purpose of clearing land, burning brush or the burning of grass are not permitted.
The Town recommends chipping and composting of these materials as the top choice of disposal.


Dry seasoned firewood is the only allowable fuel for recreational campfires.
Paper or cardboard may be used to aid in starting a campfire, however, should not be burned once the fire is going.


Do not burn yard waste. Yard waste includes, but is not limited to, grass, leaves, trees, spent flowers, brush or hedge trimmings, garden plants, weeds, pine needles, hay, straw and sawdust. These are, however, all excellent items for composting.
Do not burn painted wood, pressure treated wood or creosote treated wood.

Burning garbage of any kind is prohibited.


Open air burning is only permitted in commercial or homemade outdoor fireplaces or pits.
Homemade personal outdoor fireplaces or pits must include the following construction features:

  • Fire pit to include a non-combustible barrier between the ground surface and the fire pit or container. This barrier shall be constructed of either a) layer of at least 10 cm (4 inches) of gravel or sand or b) concrete or stone block of at least 5 cm (2 inches) thickness.
  • Ground barrier to extend at least 50 cm (20 inches) from the outer perimeter of the burn container.
  • Burn container to be no larger than 1 meter (3 feet, 3 inches) in diameter and shall be made of noncombustible material such as steel, rock or stone.

The outermost edge of all outdoor fireplaces or pits is required to be a minimum of 3 meters (10 feet) from any structure, property line, deck, or trees.
Outdoor fireplaces or pits may not be used on a wood deck or other combustible platform.
Only one outdoor fireplace or pit is permitted to be used on a property at one time.  


A portable fire extinguisher or operable garden hose needs to be readily available while burning in an outdoor fireplace or pit.
No fire should ever be left unattended.
Ensure children are under constant supervision anytime an outdoor fireplace or pit is in use.
Ensure the fire is fully extinguished before leaving it unattended.
Do not allow smoke, airborne sparks or embers to infringe on neighboring properties.

The Town of Grand Bay-Westfield and the Grand Bay-Westfield Vol. Fire-Rescue Department thanks our residents for their continued cooperation in keeping our community safe!

New Brunswick Forest Fire Watch