Bike and road safety reminder

Bike & Road Safety Reminder – Public Safety Announcement

The Town of Grand Bay – Westfield would like to remind all drivers and cyclists to SHARE THE ROAD.

Whether you are on four wheels or two, if you’re on the road, you’re traffic. Road safety is everybody’s responsibility. Know the rules. Share the road.

Ellen’s Law

Under Ellen’s Law, the driver of a motor vehicle shall not pass a bicycle travelling in the same direction as the motor vehicle, unless there is sufficient space to do so safely, and the driver leaves at least one-meter (three feet) open space between the vehicle and the bicycle. Failure to provide this space will be an offence under the Motor Vehicle Act with a fine of $172.50 and three demerit points.


  • Wear bright colors & lights/reflective clothing at night
  • Make eye contact with drivers
  • Use hand signals
  • Remove distractions such as headphones
  • Ride on the right side of the road or designated bike lanes if available
  • Always wear a helmet


  • Give cyclists at least 1-metre (3-feet) of space when passing
  • Slow down when necessary
  • Cross yellow line if safe to do so with no oncoming traffic
  • Look for cyclists
  • Avoid driving and parking in bike lanes
  • Look first before opening car doors

Town Contact Information

Phone: (506) 738-6400
609 River Valley Drive, Monday to Friday (excluding holidays), 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Register for Grand Bay-Westfield Emergency Alerts

The Town of Grand Bay-Westfield encourages residents to register for the emergency alert system (CodeRED by OnSolve). This is to ensure that the Town can notify residents in the event of emergency situations or critical community alerts. To register, visit here.