Ball Field Policy
Effective March 25, 2002
To provide direction in the application of the Recreation Ball Fields to ensure that the use and allocation of recreation facilities occurs in a planned and equitable manner to maintain the enjoyment, safety, accessibility, and integrity of recreation facilities.
Ball Field Request Forms are sent out to the past user league contacts on or before March of each year. The groups are required to fill out and return the forms on or before the second week of April along with any tournament requests. Ball Field allocations are determined by the Recreation Director by Town Policy #D003, 3.01 (a). Leagues or teams looking to change their allocations must make their requests on the Ball Field Request Form with the reason for the changes when submitted to the Recreation Department.
The fields that are available for use through the Grand Bay-Westfield Recreation Department include: the Little Lions field and Senior Lions field at Lions Field and the Softball field at RVMS. The fields are scheduled for use the week after the Victoria Day weekend each year weather permitting.
Field Times
Weekday evening bookings are permitted on Lions fields between 6:00 p.m. to dusk. Weekend bookings are permitted on Lions field between 9:00 a.m. to dusk. Weekday evening bookings are permitted on the RVMS Softball field between 6:00 p.m. to midnight (lights out). Weekend bookings are permitted on the RVMS Softball field between 9:00 a.m. to midnight (lights out). The Recreation Department reserves the right to close the fields due to maintenance or adverse weather from time to time as required.
General Maintenance
This is maintenance that occurs each year as required and by approved budget allocations.
Basic maintenance is scheduled between 3:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m., Monday – Friday and the fields will not be available for regular booking during this time.
The basic maintenance is provided by the Town, however if you require more than the basics, you must do so at your own expense and obtain permission from the Recreation Department before doing so. This is especially important when seeking to book tournaments. Any additional maintenance to the fields to change or adjust for different league play must first be approved by the Recreation Department, please see section below on booking tournaments.
Please note that garbage removal is the responsibility of the Works Department and is generally performed twice a week on Mondays and Fridays.
Leagues and teams are encouraged to remind players to pick up litter after each game and use trash receptacles supplied.
Leagues and teams are reminded that any changes or adjustments to the pitchers plates or mounds must first be approved by the Recreation Department to ensure the impact on other fields users is minimal.
Infield mix is supplied and leagues or teams are encouraged to use it to fill in any holes needed between games. Please use only the mix supplied to keep the material on the field consistent.
Unplayable Fields
The fields will be considered “unplayable” if the following conditions exist before maintenance can be carried out or before or during a game:
- Visual ponding of water on the surface of the field,
- Water sponging up around your feet when walking on the field and/or the foot sinks into the muddy surface (this is the step test).
If a team arrives at a field with these conditions present, they are asked not to play on the field. Several factors must be considered, including the safety of participants, the possibility of an accident or injury, and the unnecessary expense of field repair and maintenance.
Booking Tournaments
Tournaments for play outside regular league or team schedules must first obtain permission of the Recreation Department by submission of a Tournament Request Form. The tournament request is to be submitted at the same time as your playfield forms and should address all items listed on the form.
The charge for teams 19 years and over using the RVMS Softball field is reviewed each budget year along with various Town fees. The current fee is $100/team for 19 yrs. & over. The basic maintenance is provided by the Town, however if you require more than the basics, you must do so at your own expense and obtain permission from the Recreation Department before doing so.
The use of the Ball Fields is co-ordinated through the Recreation Department to ensure maximum use of the fields at minimal cost to the taxpayer. User fees have been limited to date because users have historically assisted with the upkeep of the fields.
If you have any questions regarding Ball Field use please contact Gary Clark, Recreation Director at (506) 738-6423.