Areas found to be considered wetland within the right-of-way of the Boulevard (under the Federal Environmental Impact Assessment) for the construction of Colonel Nase Boulevard have been compensated at a rate of 2:1 by an approved project to be completed by Ducks Unlimited Canada. This wetland project will create 2.38 hectares of functioning wetland, which will be maintained and monitored by Ducks Unlimited Canada and will satisfy the Town’s commitments to the Certificate of Determination issued by the Minister of Environment in September 2009.
Wetland Protection
As part of the development approvals granted to the Town for the development of Colonel Nase Boulevard, the Town is required to implement measures to help ensure that all future development of the area adjacent to the footprint of the Boulevard complies with the NB Wetland Conservation Policy.
This shall include submitting for review and receiving approval for all Tentative Subdivision Plans, Development Plans, and Rezoning Applications to the Manager, Project Assessment Section of the Department of Environment, prior to municipal approval of any such development. This measure, which falls within the normal regulatory function of the Town’s planning authority, shall ensure protection of the function of wetlands for the Town, namely natural purification of water and storm water retention for flood control. Subdivision Plans will be reviewed for compliance with the Town Zoning By-Law and submitted to the Province for approval of the Wetland Conservation Policy.
Protection of Ground Water Capacity
In setting out terms and conditions for any rezoning or discretionary use that involves permanent or temporary accommodation of large numbers of people (commercial/institutional or residential uses) or a business/industry that uses a large quantity of water, the Planning Advisory Committee and/or the Council will require sufficient evidence (engineering report, hydrogeological study, etc.) to be reviewed by the Town Engineers, to consider that there is adequate capacity not to adversely affect existing wells on adjacent property.
Utilizing the Guidelines established by the Rural Planning District Commission, the Town has adopted Water Supply Assessment Guidelines for subdivisions serviced by individual wells. A water supply assessment report is required for subdivision of land creating more than 9 new lots.
The unparalleled beauty of this picturesque riverside community is set against the backdrop of the rolling Nerepis Hills and the Loch Alva Provincial Natural Protected Area.
“Grand Bay-Westfield is an inviting community with beautiful scenic views along the St. John River. It offers affordable waterfront property, lovely summers outside the fog belt and no traffic congestion.”
– Dale Moore, Realtor