By-law No. 117

The Council of the Municipality of Grand Bay-Westfield under authority vested in it by Section 187 of the Municipalities Act, R.S.N.B. 1973, c.M-22 and amendments thereto enacts as follows:

All that certain portion of public street known as Second Street as described by the attached Schedule ‘A’, Plan of Survey showing PORTION OF SECOND STREET TO BE CLOSED, prepared by DeSaulniers Surveys Inc., dated March 25, 2013 and more particularly described as follows will on the enactment of this by-law be closed to public use:


All and singular that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate lying and being in the Town of Grand Bay-Westfield, Parish of Westfield, County of Kings and Province of New Brunswick.

Said parcel of land being more particularly described as follows, viz:

Commencing at the point of intersection where the southern side of Harris Road meets the eastern side of Lot 30, shown on plan 51, registered in the Kings County Registry Office, and now being marked with a survey marker. Thence on a New Brunswick Grid Azimuth of one hundred sixty-six (166°) degrees, thirty-four (34’) minutes, twenty (20”) seconds, along the eastern sides of lots 30, 31, & 32, shown on plan 51, a distance of fifty-four and fifty-two hundredths (54.52m) metres to a point on the northern boundary of Lot 80-1, shown on plan 7015, now marked by a survey marker. Thence easterly, on an azimuth of seventy-five (75°) degrees, twenty-five (25’) minutes, ten (10”) seconds, along the northern boundary of the said Lot 80-1, a distance of seven and sixty-two hundredths (7.52m) metres to the southwest corner of lot 24, shown on plan 51, now marked by a survey marker. Thence northerly and parallel to the first mentioned line, along the western sides of lots 24, 23, and 22 shown on plan 51 a distance of fifty-four and fifty-two hundredths (54.52m) metres, to a point on the southern side of Harris Road, now marked by a survey marker. Thence westerly along the southern boundary of Harris road, to the place of beginning.

Being or intending to be all that portion of Second Street south of Grand Bay Avenue (now Harris Road) shown on plan 51. Containing an area of four hundred and fifteen square metres (415m²) and being shown on a plan of survey “SHOWING PORTION OF SECOND STREET TO BE CLOSED BY TOWN OF GRAND BAY-WESTFIELD”, prepared by A. Edward DeSaulniers NBLS and dated March 25, 2013.


FIRST READING BY TITLE on this 27th day of May, 2013.

SECOND READING BY TITLE on this 27th day of May, 2013.

READING IN ITS ENTIRETY on this 10th day of June, 2013

THIRD READING AND ENACTMENT on this 10th day of June, 2013.


Sandra Gautreau – Manager (Clerk)
Grace Losier – Mayor