Growth Strategy

Welcome to our community! We invite you to share in creating new business development opportunities. Our growth strategy for sustainable development strengthens the commercial core by providing zoning controls that foster a higher density and variety of housing mix. These controls encourage denser housing and commercial investment, while also reducing pressures to develop in un-serviced areas.

The higher density zones near the commercial core permit multiple unit dwellings and smaller building lots that favour walking over the use of cars for short trips. They also encourage a broad range of age groups living within a short distance of the commercial area. Mixed Use Zoning envisions living and working together in a mixture of commercial services and residential dwelling units. The adjacent Multiple Residential Zone also envisions a closeness of services to higher density residential neighbourhoods, mixed with:

  • Low-rise apartment or condominium buildings
  • Garden-style row houses
  • Semi-detached or duplex dwellings
  • Upscale single-family homes
  • Auto sales
  • Bank/financial centres
  • Dwelling (above main floor)
  • Hotel/motels
  • Government offices
  • Museum/library
  • Offices
  • Restaurants
  • Retail stores
  • Service shops

Growth Strategy

Grand Bay-Westfield has taken a leadership role in providing new infrastructure to direct new commercial and residential development to a pre-determined area. Our development strategy places a high priority on the master planning of vacant land around Colonel Nase Boulevard. The overall objective is to provide higher density development near the commercial core to encourage new residential development supporting the existing popular commercial properties.

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